(10-25-2014, 05:48 AM)Hobbes Wrote: If you have forgotten how to fire smoke Tiger maybe this is the time I should come back to the game and play you again :) Maybe I will wait a few more years until you really hit your dotage - you will probably still beat me though.
Hey Chris - how the heck have you been my friend! A long time no talk. Just fyi - the sudden reality of having to fire smoke did in fact rush back to me! In fact getting ready to take an Ivan ridge with lots of fun little German armor! I hope you have been well? Ave you designed any more wonderful scenarios lately? I sure hope so! Plug: fellow gamers if you have not tried Chris's Wf scenarios - you need to! Two of the very best you will ever play! Just look under his ladder name. By the way Chris - pick your poison and send me over your fate! Just no EA or VV! Thanks for the note and great to hear from you! All my best!