(11-07-2014, 10:02 AM)raz_atoth Wrote: True, the CMRT patch is long overdue, but as a software developer myself i can tell you it's not always a 5 mins job to track and fix bugs.Especially when the bug is not even in your code but in the video driver. Why would BFC purposely delay the patch if the fix was easy to fix?
Raz atoth,
I also know one or two things about software development.
Purposely delaying sounds too strong, as if they had solved it and do not release it. I don't mean that. I mean that it has a low priority.
Quote:I have almost 500 CMx1 PBEM games under my belt and i'm playing CMx2 since CMBN was released. So far i haven't missed even once the ability to select units by clicking on the movements path. I guess after a few days i just got used to doing things differently. Now, i do agree, having it would be useful, but presenting the missing ability to select troops by clicking on movement paths as a deal breaker is far from the truth.
Maybe because you have switched the option "show all movement paths" off?
I also adapted to it, but every time I want to adjust movement paths, especially on big maps, I begin to hate it more and more that I
1) need to turn camera around
2) guess which unit belongs to the path (in the case of more paths, especially at bridges) and then select a unit
3) turn the camera around again and look if it is the correct path
4) if it is not the correct path, start at 1) until the correct unit is found
Pure ergonomic horror.
It is impossible that you have forgotten how much better it was, that the paths could be adjusted one after the other without even touching the camera controls!
Quote:And what's wrong with that? It must be just me, but i'd rather prefer to have a France '40 game on my hard-drive than 2vs2 pbem.
2vs2 was only one example. You could take many others.
The half baked realtime mode for example. Wego TCPIP is another. Or the new mouse modes. Or units that can be assigned to buttons but these assignments are not saved. The fortification that are sunk into the terrain mesh. Movie lighting killing anti aliasing.
What made CMx1 great, was that what they did back then, was a whole. It made sense.
You used the features and you recognized someone understood what he designed and implemented.
What they do now, is implement things only half.
Quote:And someone is forcing you to pay for the vehicle pack if you don't want to? I haven't purchased it, nor do i plan to.
As i see it, BFC is free to release whatever they believe puts food on their table at the end of the day: new games/modules/vehicle packs etc.. And i'm free to decide if what they release justifies the prices they ask for it. It's that simple.
Sure. But with that argument every discussion would be moot, because they are also free to decide what to implement and how to implement it, too.
And since nobody is forced to buy not only vehicle packs but also not modules and base games, any criticism was unnecessary.
Quote:CM:BS is in the preorders phase. How's that "the development of CMx2 grinding almost to a halt"? From what i can see there are significant changes, although, granted, not all are applicable to WW2 games.
They state they will use the 3.0 engine. That's breaking their own rules of releasing a new engine with every family!
I hope you don't see different vehicles as significant changes?
A significant change in my eyes would be full battle replay to name a fancy one.
Or a terrain grid overlay to name something to support the player.
Or "new" orders like move to contact or a search hulldown position order.
Until now they at least released a new engine with minor improvements with each new family game.
Now you get an old engine and only new vehicles with new terrain textures.
I would understand it, if they would show that the solving of old problems has high priority. Then it's less of a problem, if a few things are delayed. But now with every release problems are adding up instead of being solved.
Buying RT and after nine months StuGs are still committing suicide by opening up and the heads of soldiers in Sdkfzs are still exposed. Just to mention two recently discussed problems in their forum, they ignore, so that the argument with compiler bug for the building entry problem can't be raised as excuse.