Miracles do happen!
Fighting a defensive battle on the western front attempting to hold on to a French city against large Free French forces. Rows of Shermans and M10s are pushing me hard. Its becoming a close range fight where infantry rules the streets. I'm pinned down after failing to break through with my relief column which was overwhelmed by all those Shermans.
A lone Stug platoon moves out to engage some M10s and slink away, or so I envisioned. I misjudged the movement and my Stugs remain exposed unable to get back under cover. Well they won't last through the next turn because I don't have enough movement left to pull back.
Expecting to see them die under a hail of enemy fire, I open the turn. To my amazement, round after round does no damage. Even after getting shot by a nearby engineer in addition to all the tank destroyers, my Stugs are only disrupted.
Well it's my turn and they beat feet for the safety of friendly lines. I need what's left of my armor to make my foes liberation of this city a Pyrrhic victory at best.