(11-24-2014, 04:40 AM)dwin Wrote: Thanks for the quick responses...
Philippe (and apologies for the prior misspelling) - this is for PZC related mods. The change in unit panels is a good update and makes the Volcano mods a must.
For your mods - I really like the changes in the zoomed out mode - what I was trying to also understand is did you make changes to the MapMods in the zoomed-in mode. The sequence you had was Volcano-MapMods and then yours - so I was making the assumption (maybe incorrectly) that you made modifications to both the Volcano and MapMods and curious as to what those were.
The zoomed-out changes were an outgrowth of the zoomed-in changes. So yes, there are lots of changes to the zoomed in mode.
The mods try for a slightly antique look that allows you to turn the hexgrid on and off, and the color scheme is slightly different. They use Volcano Man figures for the unit boxes but the presentation of symbols is more consistent (and uses the familiar Nato-symbol for engineers). In some cases the HQ images are different because when I made the mods I sometimes had access to semiotic material that wasn't around when Ed made his original mods (carry-over from my Combat Mission modding days). For some of the mods (e.g. Normandy) I replaced some of the Volcano Man images, but only when I was sure that I had something better. The three most interesting WW II mods are Normandy and the Tobruk and Alamein mods. I don't own the Tiller North Africa game so I haven't gotten around to modding it, but I will someday (just not anytime soon -- too many things on the list ahead of it).
As an aside I have an almost completed Modern Campaigns mod for Middle East that I'll eventually release if I ever wrestle a couple of Um Kalthoum cd's away from my girlfriend (victory music).
History is a bad joke played by the living on the dead.