Some explanation:
Still what is described here seems to show a capability that is well beyond what these were used for, some form a short range UMPF to knock out certain strongholds of any kind.
Some first hand accounts would be interesting as I can't imagine that these were accurate enough to be useful beyond 200 meters maybe and surely limited to special situations were anything else failed.
I think at this point some form of limitation should kick in.
I had already the idea to limit certain components within a force because with enough points you can buy the most silly combination of troops that surely never ever acted together on any battlefield in this combination.
But the problem is alway the situation, because for one situation 80% tanks seems ok while for an other situation it would seem totally unrealistic.
Anyhow maybe it is at least time to start a thread that collects these "special" units that simply need some form of limitation or else they form grotesque situations.
In this case you could say only one such unit per company, also the unit can't use it as suppression weapon firing blindly into th terrain but has to go close(4 hex) and use it on static structures like strong points, houses etc. only.