RE: Is assaulting Bunkers too hard ?
I don't feel that there is a major problem with too strong bunker lines. I in fact feel the attackers sometimes have a too easy time and gets ahead of schedule.
The scale of the game need some abstraction and even if it reports 8 defenders I think of it more as a representation of 8 personnel in full combat capacity most of the rest are only taken out for time being. As long as some defenders are undisrupted an attacker will have a hard time, but there are usually a lot of options available to take them out.
That said there could be many ways to represent prepared defenses other than the ones selected in this title. If assaults were easier then the defenders had to be strengthened severely to hinder much too fast breakthroughs. To me it seems like the defenders usually had to be severely suppressed/ disrupted prior to any assaults on a fortified area and I feel that is represented well in the system and feel that real world tactic usually result in close to real world results. The feel of desperation to take out bunkers is real, but with the correct AT weapons they are usually taken out in a timey manner. Its more to get a grip on the right approach.