(01-31-2016, 04:22 AM)Glenn Saunders Wrote: Ian
The weather check occurs once per turn and cannot change between or during phases. Not sure what went on in this example. Whatever it is, is likely the result of a memory glitch.
To avoid these it is always best to only open one John tiller game at a time, not several with some minimized. And close all games and re launch the application before proceeding with a poem turn. This will help keep the PCs memory clear and remove replay glitches.
Thanks for the reply. I should have made it clear that when I went to start my turn/phase the weather was Normal. I just wasn't sure what the weather was for Indragnir during his turn. I thought it was Normal but replay looked like it was still Mud.
I think 'Turn' can be a bit confusing. There are player turns (although I think of these as phases) and game turns. I think all references to 'Turns' in the manual are game Turns?