RE: East Prussia '14 update 1.02 now available!
I am playing the Lodz campaign and noticed that after having the latest patch applied there's no bridge at Plock any more which hampers my operational planning to a certain extent. There was also a destroyed bridge at Wloclawek and it's gone without a trace, too - not that it matters as what's the use of a destroyed bridge incapable of being rebuilt. I believe there is a strong evidence supporting that particular choice as it has always been in updates for HPS / JTS games, but I can remember that in my book about the autumn campaign in central Poland the VI Siberian Corps was supposed to cross at Plock to give a hand its sister V Siberian Corps engaged at Wloclawek. In the end it turned out that they didn't have enough bridging capacity to do so as far as I can remember. My opponent proposed restarting the game on the basis the Vistula river can now be cross with the use of bridging engineer units which I objected for a number of reasons, the main being my legendary unwillingness to replay anything if possible to avoid.
Aw, forget it, I have just googled that and it seems that the main bridge at Plock was built in 1938, but need to investigate a bit more, perhaps check my book again on that subject. But honestly, with the usual quality of the updates I don't think I really must.
At Wloclawek there was a floating bridge that used to be dismantled prior to winter coming and it was nevertheless burnt during the Russian withdrawal on Aug 2nd 1914.
So the question is whether if we have started the campaign with the old version of the game do my pontoon engineer battalions get capacity to span the Vistula River?