RE: Straight lobbying.. Cold War please :D
Ummm i never see the first pic with the units image... that T-62s looks strange i find rare the turret.
A post WWII title is cool... like try a pre WWII title (i think engine can deal very well with WWI at least in the fluid battles like Meggido or first part of war in Europe... and of course east front actions).
I know that is "easier" a what if but maybe here i find that they need a lot of good content in nations-units, like Normandy title... for example not only Soviets VS USA/West Germany... add polish, East Germany, french, UK, (Denmark, Low Countries, Belgium... even other minors present in brigade-regimental units (Portugal, Spain, Italy...) creating a title out of the usual Fulda Gap area... or north or south.
Other option is Korea... with chinese troops hehehe.
For me a What if is easy to do because you are not limited to historical features BUT at same time the options are more open and is hard know when is enough... for example the only What if title in the PzC serie is Sea Lion and find it a little "poor" because lacks really WTF things... like you can find in Decisive Campaigns with USA units and material for example.
Any way any title in post WWII is allways wellcome... ummm the name was "Armored battles" for the serie no???