I know we allways talk about what title we want see in PzB but i am going to ask now what specific actions you want see covered maybe to create titles based in actions and not in battles-campaigns.
In my case, using PzC material my favourites are
1-The trap at Vitebsk from Minsk44, is an interesting scen, similar to Cherbourg scens in PzB but with more terrain to cover and the option to try save the german units.
2-Maleme, The descent on Crete from Salerno 43, the heavy combat in Crete with chance to win for both sides.
3-Breakout of Group Zhuravlev from Stalingrad42, one of my favourites with options for boths sides and multiple attack-defend directions
4-Mogilev river crossing from Smolenks 41, a classic scen of how assault and cross a heavy defended river.
Are more, i think in 1 from France40 with heavy fight between french and german armor and other classic from Sicily landings, some Budapest actions but if i search all... with that 4 i thin is enough to start the thread.
Waiting your "esentials"