(12-19-2016, 07:27 AM)Ricky B Wrote: Hi panther148, welcome to the Blitz and the game!
These are men "lost" not all KIA. They include men KIA, missing from their units pending marching to where they are needed, prisoners, wounded. The scenarios with airborne are balanced around some sort of losses based on this happening, as you had happen.
You can change it, through a customized PDT, which is okay for your own personal use but not for H2H play here at the Blitz, unless you and your opponent agree. Even then, it would really require altering the victory levels to some extent to really balance it out, but some experienced players may give it to you to balance the experience side. The parameter database editor would be used - open the pdt involved, third section (Misc Values) and lower the Air Drop loss value for the allies.
Thanks for the prompt reply, agree with what you said in the first paragraph but they seem really excessive to historical figures and there doesn't appear to be any method for a unit to recover from those missing and finding their way back to the unit over time as actually happened.