RE: Question on combat values and fire values
As per the User Manual: "For fire combat, the combat value is the adjusted fire value of the firing units." So it is essentially the fire value, but with some adjustments such as Range Effect, Firing Unit Effect, Target Effects, etc. (see the "Firing" section of your User Manual for more details).
So the 152 Fire Value number I gave you would also be affected by those adjustments in order to get your Combat Value. For instance, the Fire Value would be halved if I was firing at long distance (i.e., greater than half my range), halved again if my firing squad was Disrupted, but it would be doubled if my target wasn't in Ground Mode. In that scenario (and ignoring some of the other possible adjustments), my Combat Value would be 76 (76 = 152 divided by 2 divided by 2 times 2).