(06-28-2017, 04:56 AM)BigDuke66 Wrote: I understand that you want not go away from these long set values but than the fact is that the FWWC series does differ in a lot aspects from the PC or MC series, why not here too?
FWWC differs in RULES, but not in data. Actually, all the unit combat factors are scaled from my _Alt database using in PzC, and the PDT data is identical in almost every situation in order to be consistent between both series. The idea being that if you play one title then you should know what to expect, and that the world/universe behaves in the same way between all the games. So in other words, you could theoretically put FWWC units into PzC and get predictable results, the only difference being the time period and of course any basic rules required to represent anything unique about WW1 (like the MG units needing to be in T mode to move, field guns and MG units require full MPs to deploy, etc).
Now this isn't such a big deal to some, but I strive for consistency.
Honestly I fail to see how saving 2 MPs when moving across a 100m step in elevation will make that big of a difference (which would only be 1 MP for 50m elevation). You would have to traverse 2 or 3 elevation increases per turn for this to really matter. To me a change is only justifiable if it is significant (I call it the 'rule of halves' (or doubles) in game design). In other words, a significant difference would be if the elevation modifier was either 5 or 20, not 8 or 12. 6 MPs would also be significant, as the difference is -4 MPs, which is the cost of moving +1 primary road hex (IIRC), though.
That said, I am not sure I will ever be convinced since the 10 MP value has been used for so long, and across so many games and series, but I will consider it. ;)