RE: Managing the larger scenarios
Well the workload doesn't get smaller from organizing how you approach the game, but maybe it won't drag you down and you can get through a turn by doing it in an organized way.
For big scenarios:
1. I start the game one the side I want to play with FoW for the other active.(I don't look on the other side until the game is finished, that would be cheating and spoil any fun)
2. I take screenshots of the map.(Turn division colors on, likely multiple shots have to be taken and they should also overlap a bit)
3. I put the screenshots together via a graphic program to form one big planning map.(The single shots have to be copied in and positioned correctly to let them join into a single picture. I use GIMP for this)
4. Now with the the game uploaded and the big planning map done I study everything, the terrain, my forces, what goals I have, what reinforcements come in so that I have clue what my strength and weaknesses are and how the terrain can help me to reach my goals).
5. After that I invent a plan to win the scenario.(Don't plan silly tiny crap but you should know where you want your divisions to move to and on which ways they should move, the later is important to make sure they cross rivers/canals one points that are good for crossing. It's a pain in the ass to run into a river and can't get over it for whatever reason)
6. If done I drawn the plan onto the map.(Here the division colors will be helpful because you can take the colors matching to each division via a tool and use that color to drawn the way of each division. Most important is to use a second or even more layers for the plan so you can switch it on/off as you need it or clear it completely to redraw a new plan or just make corrections to the current plan)
7. If done I get to the real work of conducting my turns.(Best is to work along the organization of your force, by that you simply take a break when done with an army or corps and continue later)
All this may look like more work that doing the actual turn and that is true but all you have to do each turn is to check your plan and move your forces according to it. By that you don't have to remember or even reinvent the plan every turn but can concentrate on executing it in the best possible way and that in the end saves a lot time & work.
Of course at some point(after a few days in the game) you may have to scrap the current plan and redraw a new one but with the layers you can do that easily by drawing the current positions of your forces in and after that redrawing your offensive/ defensive actions that you want to take.