RE: Managing the larger scenarios
Larger and longer scearios need preparations to work and motivate well:
I suggest to study the scenario before a lot:
- objectives (easy to get, hard to get)
- enemy (advantages/disadvantages)
- your troops (adv./disadv)
- Map (roads, defensive terrain, ambushes, opportunies)
- as attacker: how to use my advantages and denie the enemy his advantages to gain the objectives
- as defender: how to use my advantages and denie the enemy his advantages to defend my objectives
With this you write down a plan which bataillon has to achieve which objective. (Excel is your friend here) You also can make so drawings. Sounds nerdy but helps to keep control and overview about your troops.
Of course your plan might need an adjustment in case the enemy surprises you with a counter measure.
Sounds theoretical?
Look at "Borodino 41" and "Assault on Tobruk - 1st of May, 1941". and tell my what you would do.
And about "save turns": If you play against KI it is ok to safe a turn. Against another human player it CAN lead to arguments. If you win the opponent might claim that you did "safe and reload"tactic and you might get a bad reputation. With a written battle plan a turn needs no more than a you don't need a break.
Actually my advice is quite similar the one from "BigDuke66". He just described it with much more detail.