(09-05-2017, 02:49 AM)ComradeP Wrote: I see there's an _alt version of this scenario as well which might use the McNamara attack values that are now standard.
If you own Moscow '42 as well, it might be interesting to compare this to Naro Fominsk, where the German goals are again rather ambitious considering the weather conditions. The initial frontline is different from this scenario, even though it starts on the same date.
I will have a look at the Alt files. I was going to post a map at the start of the AAR showing the strategic position. Its the campaign map from the Moscow '41 folder which I've edited so that it just shows the Naro-Fominsk area. I can see that the map looks very neat in terms of Corps and Armies but doesn't quite tally with the start up of the 1201_01a start up positions?