(01-20-2018, 01:44 PM)fastphil Wrote: (01-20-2018, 04:52 AM)Boisforas Wrote: Boisforas here with a email problem with 2.0. Ive successfully downloaded 2.0, knocked ou7t a PBEM turn in a scenario & went through the steps to send the turn off to my opponent. The problem I'm having is that the turn does not show up in the "saves" file?! I did delete the old ME game before I downloaded 2.0 but the old scenarios I was playing stayed in the "saves" file?! But not the new game turn I did with 2.0. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong here? Thanx for your time, Eric
Look in Documents\my games. TOAW IV and others save games there. I saved my first PBEM game there tonight. If not already there, create a folder for it.
Where is Documents/My Games? How do I get there? Eric