(07-09-2018, 07:53 PM)Kool Kat Wrote: (07-09-2018, 01:20 AM)philm Wrote: here is a good one...Nebelwerfer Abt. 6 and 8 of Nebelwerfer Rgt. 4, XXXXVI Pzk., PzG 2 can't seem to be able to fire indirect using other units subordinated to the PzK as spotters.
The above are 10.5 cm morters
Is this an error?
NW Regt. I/Do 53 of Nebelwerfer Rgt. 4 is able to fire indirect using other subordinated XXXXVI PzK units as spotters
This unit is 15 cm rocket launchers
I am currently playing the Smolensk Campaign against a human opponent.
The Nebelwerfer Abt. 6 and 8 are part of the 46th Panzer Corps. As long as the units that are spotting for the artillery are also part of the 46th Panzer Corps, then these units may spot for the mortar units.
For example, units of the 6th Panzer Division (green coded if you are playing with Divisional Markings On) are part of the 46th Panzer Corps and may spot for the Nebelwerfers.
That's my problem...I am also playing a human opponent and those units are NOT able to fire with 46 panzer korp units as spotters....
and by the way...6th Panzer Div is NOT part of 46 panzer corp
That corp is made up of 10 panzer, Reich SS Div, and GD Motorized Rgt...