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How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units?
09-26-2018, 01:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-26-2018, 01:20 AM by Gris.)
RE: How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units?
(09-25-2018, 08:20 AM)All_American Wrote: I've been playing some of the scenarios that take place around Caen from the British side recently. I've came to notice that Crocodiles don't have a strong soft attack value as I first imagined, but they seemingly have an abnormally strong assault value. My question is, how to utilize this in the best way possible? Do I use these assets as bunker busters, as in assaulting the defenders without disrupting first, or assaulting entrenched infantry but not against bunkers? Any tips are appreciated.

Hi All American,

Great question. Without the benefit of knowing the particle scenario I use METT-T to plan how to achieve the objective you have been assigned in any given scenario.

For any Commanders joining us without any prior military experience METT-T is 

Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, - (Available) Time

METT-T is an actual US Army acronym used by Commanders to make a battle plan. I believe now it is METT-TC with the C being civilians due to COIN (Counterinsurgency Operations) operations. A cursory search on google will offer more explanation for those interested.

For this discussions we will concentrate on the Troops and just brief the remaining in order of course. We will use the following scenario from PB Normandy: #0730_01: Operation Bluecoat ‐ Baffing up the Charlie Love Turns : 144  IVO Hex 43,7 for Commanders who wish to follow along. 

1. METT-T supports our overall objective. Using our jump dialog, I have highlighted (white circle) the first objective assigned to 1st Herefordshire Regt Taskforce (1HRT). 1HRT is not the only unit assigned to take this objective, but it's mission is one part of a team effort to achieve the objective.

 [Image: Objectives.jpg]

Pro Tip: you can use the jump map to plan objectives and avenues of advance (AOA). It shows Blue and Red forces, Primary roads ( Also called MSR -Main supply routes), River's, etc. 

2. Our Mission. 1HRT has been assigned to breach and clear operations IVO Hex 43,7

[Image: LD.jpg]

In short, we want to clear the roads to allow a speedier advance and open an MSR for follow on forces to further objectives. Clear access to the primary and secondary roads and remove the enemy's ability to interdict. Follow the road from Hex 43,7 to 43,10.

3. Enemy - Again this is a brief, our enemy forces consist of obstacles (mines and wires), prepared defensive positions (improved positions and bunkers), Infantry (battalion strength) with infantry support weapons (machine guns). In game terms -  Average infantry (Morale C) with MG units in low strength (18 men) in improved positions and bunkers covering mine and wire obstacles in difficult terrain. Look for strength and weakness. For example; the MG units have a hard attack of 2/1 making it difficult for them to defend against armor.

4. Terrain - Woods, roads, hedgerow, obstacles and prepared positions. A lot of factors involved here and subject for a post another day. Our top three not in a favor are mines, bunkers, and hedgerow. Terrain in our favor: smoke, stacking, and hedgerow. Smoke and stacking block visibility which limits enemy targets of opportunity. Hedgerows protect us and the enemy from effective fire at range.

Pro Tip: What is the most difficult obstacle you will face in Panzer Battles? Your own men! Stacking will slow you down more than the enemy will. At the start of the game hit the F4 Key and take note of the road and maximum stacking. Roads are critical to your advance, but you can't use the road if you overstack. We  have a stack value of road 80/max 200 in this scenario.

5. Troops - Here is what will will cover in detail in the next post.

6. Time - Like terrain it is a deep subject. In game terms, how many turns do you have to achieve your objectives (a win in the game). Likewise, how many turns do you want to use to complete this mission, i.e Breach and Clear. Again dependent on your overall plan, You would think in a 144 turn game you have plenty of time, but your opponent may say otherwise. 

Pro Tip: assign each step of the mission a number of turns. For example; A 4 turn B&C operation
Lay smoke and clear mines - 1 turn, 
Position assault forces - 1 turn , 
Clear - 1 Turn
Breach - 1 turn

Using the METT-T method to plan is how a Commander in Panzer Battles takes actual real world war-fighting and translates into the simulated battlefield. This tool works for small battles to large campaigns and will separate the Commanders from the players. 

Pro Tip: METT-T works for Panzer Campaigns too!

Now that we have the method, let's take a look at the troops.
'Millions died or suffered in the mud of Flanders between 1914-18. Who remembers them? Even those with names on their graves are by now unknown soldiers.' - Mier Ronnen, Jerusalem Post, 1933 Gris
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RE: How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units? - by Gris - 09-26-2018, 01:18 AM

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