RE: Who's Playing What?
I am playing EFII and WF against one opponent and that works fine, I also play against another opponent in EFII and that's it. Three games which takes up an evening. So I have only a couple of opponents but I consider that quite busy. I think if I was to play more than that I would lose track of whats what.
I have played RS against the AI but not against a human, perhaps soon, the terrain always looks worse than the enemy in RS, to me any way.
I am still finding out the ways to actually compete, for instance LOS, Combined arms, Recon etc. That's the general stuff. Also I have recently found out how well a platoon of German engineers can do against tanks in city and town hexes.
BT7 tanks, are amazing. I have also found out that the correct tanks against infantry can smash infantry to bits.
Recon, I used to move them to the point of contact, but that is the hard and costly way to see what the enemy is doing etc. I try not to do that now, sit watch, move and repeat.
Quote:Sir Winston Churchill said they were the "Finest Regiment in the world" The Gordon Highlanders ,