I imagine they want first finish the PzC serie, this is why i wait next release from WDS be the Africa titles gold version.... unless the mysterious title under Volcanoman test is more soon than the "soon soon" he said, you know the "soon soon" of one man is the OMG RR MARTIN RELEASE THE WINDS OF WINTER
EDITED!!!!! of another man
I admit that gold versions are a great boost to vainilla titles but not all gold versions are the same, France40 made a great ttitle an even more great one, updates in OOB are a good add and new scens made it even more perfect, here some similar in lets say.... Middle east with an update OOB (the use of M48s in Jordanian army in six days war instead M47 hurt a lot
) could help the serie apart maybe port some mods to a full title (i remember a Korea war scen or the Volcanoman chinese add in 85 title for example).
EDIT: i dont remember ask this... is any option to see the only full mod in PzC serie update to Gold standard??? i refer to Jarama37 and made it works with the last engine version... i know we are not going to see a Spanish civil war title (or titles) in a mixed version of FWWC engine + PzC unit stats (i refer using a less carnage orientated stats in OOB with that low defensive values for units) but if at least the mod works with all the new engine improvements...