RE: New HPS release 1 Aug 2019 -Marching Eagles - a Paul Bruffell design
Panzerde - I am glad you like the game. Paul and I worked on the project for 5 years. I had put a concept document together, we hashed out some things but I was given some new work to do for JTS last year and it absorbed all of my time. Paul and I came to an agreement over the buyout of the concept document and in the end he has brought this project to "market." I was looking to get a brigade level game (or regiments, etc) out on the market where folks could play a full battle in a shorter amount of time but where you had a feeling like something truly historical had happened rather than just "Waterloo-Chess." Paul saw this as a good project to get involved with.
If Paul does future titles I may work on one with him. In any event I am right behind him on this effort. Its a joy to see an idea I had finally become a real game you guys are playing. But Paul ran with it and its because he followed through on it that you have it. Again, kudos to Paul and HPS Simulations and the dev. team on their accomplishment. And yes, Paul and I discussed getting a better map image. Its all possible - just have to get the graphics help to get it done.