Hello Mr. John...or is that Dear John...and thanks for getting back to me with this information!
I tend to be a bit hopeless when it comes to files and such but I will give it a try...
In the end, for this scenario I'm currently working on, it may not matter as I have decided it's going to be a foggy morning to start the game.
I mean...San Francisco is famous for it's fog...and I grew up there watching it chill, spray and rust away everything and anything near the coast...so I fogged her up. It clears quickly and turns into a fine day for shooting.
Fun fact for you...they finished the SF Golden Gate Bridge in 1937...and 4 years later the National Guard would be manning the bridge to protect vs. Japanese invasion!...
They also built some incredible and complex bunkers and pillboxes both North and South of her with twin 16" guns.
Not to mention countless 6" guns, disappearing guns, Long Toms and the like.
So...I thought...why not have the Japanese invade the Bay Area?
Almost certainly.
Fun to model and try?
Again, almost certainly.
And so it begins...
Thanks again John.