(04-07-2020, 12:56 PM)Colonel Slack-Goodspeed Wrote: After 7 year hiatus, I am looking to get back into CS. I'm formerly played under the moniker "Goodspeed" (103 games). I am seeking to play 2 matches: Match 1: The Battle is Joined as Germans and Match 2: an EF scenario any side, opponents choice. I prefer 6 or higher complexity EF scenarios. IIRC my standard ROEs were all options on except VV, transports can be removed from the map, no gamey uses of unarmed transports in combat/blocking/scouting, but I'm flexible and also not sure where consensus is these days on ROEs eg EA. Many thanks!
Please tell me your still looking???
I posted a week + ago looking for a game (been off a long time, then had issues with the latest update) but its been nothing but crickets.
Ive been waiting to get back into it and would love a battle, pick anything!!
John (JRTXX)