Here is a link to Greens explanation of the refuelling test, which is of particular importance in the modern campaigns:
Based on this, HQ jamming (electronic warfare) can be really dangerous if it hits your HQ in the refuelling turn and puts it out of command. Note that your HQ might be jammed if there is an enemy unit anywhere in its (nominal or modified?) command range. This can happen quite easily (in particular, helicopters can be nasty!). The chance is based on the "Electronic Warfare" parameter of the opposing side.
Thoughts on artillery mines
These are very usefull as they block your enemy's supply. So, in some situations, you might be able to isolate enemy units by using artillery mines. If you're playing as NATO, artillery mines can be used as a life-saver (to prevent a Warsaw Pact assault on one of your positions). Mainly as Warsaw Pact, you can use artillery mines to affect the direction in which NATO forces retreat from assaults (they can't retreat into mine fields).