(05-19-2020, 12:47 AM)WargameGeneral Wrote: There also appears to be a mod called "The Long War" (could not find the download link). What is that all about?
There are a number of full Mods for the SB series:
- Red Star over Europe: a 3rd world war 1980's mod, Nato V Soviet Union (base game: Vietnam)
- Africa at War: based on some of the post WW2 African conflicts (base game:Pacific War)
- Arab Israeli War ...err... The Arab Israeli war (base game: Soviet Afghan war)
- The Long War, The more recent Afghanistan conflict (base game: Soviet Afghan War)
- World at War, covers Chechnya, Iran/Iraq war, Sierra Leone, various late 20th Century conflicts. (Base Game is Pacific War
I dont think you will find any of them publically available, The author of them removed them from the public domain.
......But..... if you PM me I may be able to help you