(05-27-2020, 09:10 PM)TytusDeZoo82 Wrote: I agree with you completly!
So is it possible to change data parameters or game script?
I'm not sure whether you can mess with these settings for all games, in the PD editor. Others will know and reply, I hope.
But the new title - Wellington's Peninsula War (WPW) - has some rule changes which make it more likely that infantry marching up to 'good-order' infantry will suffer a disorder check, though there's no component of that which specifically references infantry in-line - in fact, though it works when approaching any non-disordered units, I think it's more aimed at stopping people marching columns up to cavalry formations. But it's a step in that direction.
Even more in the direction you want is that included in that title (WPW) there are many alternative scenarios which use a different PDT file which specifically weakens the melee bonus and strengthens line fire, precisely, I believe, with the idea of discouraging so much marching stacked columns into the enemy full blast. So that would be the title for you to get, perhaps, if any. I've never played any of those scenarios yet, so not sure how well they work.
At the moment, as it stands, I always feel (and I'm very far from an expert) that, all other things being equal, it would be crazy to march my columns to within firing range of an enemy line, then convert my units all to line formation and start firing at the enemy, because all he would do at the beginning of the next turn is change to column and hit my vulnerable lines.
But maybe - as I said - I'm missing something about the mechanics of it.