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About the 3D graphic of new JT Napoleonic Battles games
06-02-2020, 07:04 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 07:04 PM by phoenix.)
RE: About the 3D graphic of new JT Napoleonic Battles games
>>>>So it is advisable to buy the games now as long as the unit graphics are not updated if one stongly prefers the old, bigger 3D units?<<<<

Well, sometimes what happens when the games are 'updated' to new graphics is that the size of the graphics files changes. The present plan to make the Napoleonic series look like the ACW series will probably do that, for example - because the size of the graphics files for the ACW series is different to the present Napoleonic size. Which means that you buy your game - as you suggest - with the graphics you think you prefer, then they change it and you have to NOT update your copy to keep the graphics you like (including any graphics mods you use), BUT that means that (a) you don't get the benefit of any programming changes/improvements to game play/rule changes etc that came with the update version, and (b) no files from new games will work with your old game, and hence you can't, for example, play PBEM games with someone who has an updated version. I think I'm right on that.

Actually, graphics aside, if there are coding changes between the updated and old version you won't be able to play PBEM against an opponent with a new version. And I think almost everyone goes for the new versions, usually. Because almost everyone will want, for example, the rule changes making all the Napoleonic titles have the same disorder rules as the new WPW title, so if they just happen to bundle that with a new graphics package then tough luck if you liked your old graphics.

I would put in a plea to JTS to keep graphics changes all with the same files sizes and keep graphics and program changes separate. But maybe this is easier said than done.
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RE: About the 3D graphic of new JT Napoleonic Battles games - by phoenix - 06-02-2020, 07:04 PM

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