(08-11-2020, 06:07 AM)Mr Grumpy Wrote: These three changes are excellent news and I applaud the design team and JTS for adding new tweaks to the engine to allow the simulation of more types of terrain and situations.
However as someone who has tried and failed over the years to contain the spread of optional rules available to players, the addition of two more opt rules is (IMO) not great news, over the years I have been here the plethora of optional rules shown in the dialogue box (and their effects) has caused more debate and confusion than just about any other subject, so while I understand that the easiest/ simplest way to introduce them is to make them an optional rule, in the case of the opt amphibious/opt patrolling rules I would have preferred to have seen these great additions added to the main rules rather than the opt rules if that is at all possible.
Lets be honest, what player looking for a historical simulation would not want night fatigue, recon spotting, artillery setup included in the main rules and not an option?
Agreed, as your aware the worry always comes back to older games and will it cause issues to an older title. Easier to just have an optional rule.
3x rule is something else that gets talked about from time to time and are there other ways of doing it, yes there are but will it cause issues with other titles, maybe. Each would have to be tested and re balanced where needed but yes i do agree on the 5 you mentioned but then again i dont play every title.