RE: Why Should I Purchase CS Middle East?
I wish I could turn back the clock and put CSME under a new forum, but when it was released I thought it was going to be a compliment to the JTCS series, so RS, WF, EFII and ME. The game mechanics were a departure from those of the older games, though, so a new forum, maybe CS2, probably would have been a good idea.
Lesson learned, so going forward I think that's what we'll do with the new CS games, VN, new ME EFIII etc. This way no one who enjoys the classic game will be shamed into feeling they must enjoy the new version. For those of us who enjoy both, then we'll just be members of two forums.
I've already broached this with other Blitz officers and have been assured this can be done and they are all on board with whatever the decision is. Not sure what we'll name the new forum. I'll talk to the Jason and the other devs when the Viet Nam release gets closer and try to have the new forum name align with what the new series will be called. We could also rename the old forum to Classic CS.
Lastly, to each his own. These are games. Play the games you like.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly