(12-10-2020, 01:03 PM)Embis Wrote: Have tried all combinations for the file locations and made sure that I edited the CPD file to reflect that, it makes no difference. Most recently I have put all the oob map and Scn files into the campaign folder. I will send you a zip with everything in, if you would have a look I would be very grateful. Thanks Mike. I am pretty sure i am making some simple mistake,
The scenarios themselves open without any problem independently, its only when I try and use them from within the campaign module that it falls over.
Took a quick look at it, even tried to change Soviet to Russian, still no love.Will have a more in depth look this weekend when I have more time, sure it's something simply overlooked. The names of the scenario's don't have a 1_, 2_ or anything like the others, maybe relevant?