RE: How does the defense value work?
You really want Green to answer these questions as he is the master of things complicated. But in the meantime, I will try and answer.
The appropriate fire value, modified for range, is multiplied by the strength of the unit (guns and vehicles are multiplied by ten to make them the equivalent of men). This value is then increased or decreased by any modifiers. The attack value is then divided by the target's defense value, again being adjusted for any appropriate modifiers. This value is then multiplied by the low and high values (found in the parameter data) and then divided by 10000. The fire result is determined by the selection of a random number between the high and low values.
The assault rules work pretty much the same way. However, there are two calculations in assaults, one for casualties caused by the attacker and another for those caused by the defender. There are also two sets of high and low values, one for attacker and another for the defender. If you examine these, you will see that if both sides are equal, the defender will cause about twice the losses that he would suffer. So, be sure you have numbers on your side before committing to an assault.
I am not positive on the last question, but I believe that it is the unmodified values that are used in the armored effectiveness calculation and that the range and other modifiers do not play a part in the calculation of this modifier.