Proposal for guidelines for reporting incomplete games
Hi All,
I am trying to get a sense if there is any interest in the community here to introduce some informal guidelines to the game reporting process. As things stand you can report a game (with your opponents permission) after any number of turns have been completed, it has been pointed out that this can skew the results in the scenario database (which some players use as a guide when looking for balanced scenarios) and players are rewarded the same points on the ladder regardless if they have completed 10 turns or 200 turns.
it has been suggested as a informal guideline a game should not be reported until at least 25% of the turns have been played, but that figure is not decided and is open to debate.
As the present reporting procedure has been in place since day one we have no intention of imposing this guideline, if players still wish to report games that have not reached the agreed turn completed percentage they can.
If this is adopted then two situations that might occur have come to mind and will need to be addressed.....
a) Players don't discuss this at the start of a game that then does not reach the guideline limit and one player wish's to report the and the other does not.
b) Games where a players opponent disappears before the guideline limit.
If you wish to post your comments to this thread that is great, perhaps if you agree there should be a guideline you can indicated the percentage level that guideline should be set at, however can you also vote in the poll so your opinion can be counted, thank you.