Some problems that were found in Japan '45 and Japan '46 in the previous version hasn't been fixed (Not that it's hard to fix, but manual editing of scenarios and OOB shouldn't be forced, I think.).
For Japan '45:
216th Division comes twice with strategy choices and French Expeditionary Corps and Navy comes after the end of the scenario.
For Japan '46:
The additional replacement value for 93rd Recon Battalion and 501st Infantry Regiment. It shouldn't be there.
Will there be a hotfix(? or 4.01?) for that? Or should I re-download them to see these problems fixed?
By the way, units can draw opportunity fire by trying to assault even though they don't have enough movement points or they are not able to assault (like artillery). Is this intended? I have tested it on both PzC and MC.
I actually asked the J '45 one to Rich, but since I forgot mentioning the thing in J '46 and I found the last bug (or feature?) yesterday, one can pretend I didn't ask anything to Rich.