RE: The Bolt out of the Blue 10.0 Beta
The Dutch Air Force (Koninkliijke Luchtmacht) and the Danish Air Force (Dansk Flyvevabnet) are both not present in the NATO OOB.
This might be a design choice since both air forces were flying mostly F-16's at the time, and it looks like only dedicated CAS units along with dedicated tactical recon units are being portrayed.
However, the Dutch had 314 and 316 Squadrons flying NF-5A's dedicated to CAS, and the Danes had Esk 725 equipped with F-35 Drakens for CAS, and Esk 729 equipped with RF-35 Drakens for tactical recon. This is according to Pat Callahan's "NATO Order of Battle 1989" document (version 8.6) dated 25 October 2012.