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Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR - major victory turn 114
06-21-2022, 06:56 AM,
RE: Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR
Turn 100 12:00 1st of September 1914

[Image: EPrpooE.jpg]

Reinforcements from the Western Front have arrived. They all arrive with 150 Fatigue and Low Ammo when you pick the "forward deployment" option, to balance a potential situation where they teleport into a concentration of Russians.

The Gardereservekorps with 3. Garde Division and 1. Garde Reserve Division arrives at Elbing.

XI Armeekorps arrives at Osterode and Allenstein.

8. Kavallerie Division arrives at Mohrungen and Wormditt.

The artillery, Pionier and MG units of each infantry division will start moving towards 1st Army. The other divisions will wait for rail transport, with 3. Garde Division the first to board trains east.

[Image: KQt9qsE.jpg]

The Russians approach the edge of the woods and this time they're too strong to stop.

[Image: mDa7ZHV.jpg]

3. Reserve Division can still slow down the Russians as they're moving up, but they'll need to continue to move towards Wehlau to avoid assaults.

Units from Festung Koenigsberg move to the western bank of the Alle to screen the southern road to Wehlau as the first Russian units will soon cross the river at Allenburg.

[Image: I2rZHX3.jpg]

The reservists face 4 Russian divisions and a brigade, with most Russian formations heading south-west. I can do little more than form a screen at this moment.

[Image: DxQ749a.jpg]

The Russians in the north-east corner of the pocket were too much to handle for the brigade of 35. ID, so it pulled back to rest. My losses were light, but Fatigue quickly increased to medium.

XX Armeekorps is nearly across the streams and marshes.

Hauptreserve Thorn is taking thousands of prisoners each turn from stacks that can't retreat.
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RE: Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR - by ComradeP - 06-21-2022, 06:56 AM

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