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Indragnir's mods: News, files, updates, teasers, bug fixing and ramblings.
01-21-2023, 10:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-21-2023, 10:27 PM by Indragnir.)
RE: Indragnir's mods: News, files, updates, teasers, bug fixing and ramblings.
(01-21-2023, 07:20 AM)JulesVerne Wrote: Hello, Indragnir! I have wanted to begin a Korea'85 campaign as well so I might as well shoot some questions I have now: you make mention in this thread as well as the manual of "All NKPA Infantry division had motor vehicles for a fast invasion", and for South Korea "All Infantry division had a pool motor vehicles for a faster movement", but as far as I am able to see no such movement modifier is applied when these infantry divisions enter travel mode? In these cases, do you just mean the engineers and recon assets, together with other motorized support? IIRC, NK has 3 motorized divisions in Second Echelon, but that is all I can think of besides Ind. armored brigades etc.

Secondly, I am not too familiar with how onmap reinforcements work. If we were to say that NK forces reach the southern map edge and exit for a further advance towards Pusan, would that mean american reinforcements will spawn behind them?


I somewhat messed up versions... your're playing v.1.00 or v1.00a despite the scenario name is labelled as v.100d. I've checked it on the game build. Later versions I caught "bugs" (including the lack of motorization)... I should have provided those files to WDS but I managed to miss them.

Check link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/urglazansod9z...xIg-a?dl=0
for an updated 1.00e (which is like v.100d but with helos being on map again) Download and overwrite all files.

Those files are NOT compatible with those on the game build so you must back up for older files. Your actual game will crash if you overwrite your files. You need to start a new campaign to play v.100e.

I'm sorry for all of the above.

PS: Regarding your second question, US Reinforcements have NO protection hexes, so if you manage to reach that area and you put a unit on their designated entry points they can not deploy, simulating no port is available to land the heavy metal.
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RE: Indragnir's mods: News, files, updates, teasers, bug fixing and ramblings. - by Indragnir - 01-21-2023, 10:22 PM

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