(10-06-2021, 06:13 PM)neonlicht Wrote: Just bought "Roman Civil Wars" from HPS. The game looks great and with some very cool mechanics. Just a couple of initial questions:
1. TacAI --- what does this do? Should it be turned on?
2. There's an info box in the middle of my screen the whole time ("assigning orders..."), which I find a bit annoying. Should it be there all the time? Is there any way to hide/remove it?
Many thanks in advance for replies. :-)
Sorry I missed you question. Hopefully you found the answer to your questions but if not -
The info box referring to "assigning orders .." is to warn the human player that the computer player is working through the AI algorithms and placing orders on its units. For very large battles this may take one or two minutes. Do not click around the screen whilst the AI is working as you disrupt the logic path and the game may get held up or on occasions crash. This is something I need to work on. I have added a note to this effect in the latest Ancient Warfare series game released - Punic Wars 2. Check the hpssims.com website for details.
TacAI - hmm, I am looking at the menu and the opening game setting options but I can not find the term 'TacAI'. If you can explain where you are seeing this I should be able to help.