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Tiller Operational Campaigns Tournament No. 01
05-25-2024, 10:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-25-2024, 10:40 PM by Belisarius.)
RE: Tiller Operational Campaigns Tournament No. 01
(05-24-2024, 02:36 PM)HMCS Rosthern Wrote: For Steel God… Respect3 

Tournament Eligibility and General Rules

All entrants must be registered members of Blitz Wargaming Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder. New members without previous reported battles are welcome. All entrants must have up to date profiles listing all of the games they own.

The tournament is designed to give entrants an opportunity to play games in any of the WDS Operational game series, i.e., Panzer Campaigns (PzC), First World War Campaigns (FWWC), and Modern campaigns (MC). PzC is the default series in the tournament. All entrants must own at least ~6 PzC titles, and be prepared to play PzC. There is one entrant who does not have a title in any series in common with all other entrants. (For the record they don’t have Smolensk ’41 or Budapest ’45, which everyone else has.). The organizers believe they can work around that.  Entrants are allowed to play any small scenario in any Tiller Operational Campaigns series title. All title installations must be patched up to the latest version. MC 4.04 version is available now, and PzC and FWWC may become available DURING this tournament. Any game started before v4.04 is available must be completed before upgrading, and the entrants must upgrade their title after completion of the scenario.

The entrants must specify which series they prefer to play. This is used to help match players when setting up the tournament. 

All players agree to process turns promptly. Tournament rounds will be assigned a start and end date by which time the round must be completed. This will be more than generous. 

All entrants accept that the organizers are the final authority of any disputes, questions, or issues that may arise during play. Uncompleted games will be adjudicated by the organizers to determine a winner.  Spirit of the Law will apply more so than Letter of the Law.  In other words, be considerate, and make a good effort and everything is fine.  Drag your feet and pay the piper.

Tournament Format

The Tournament has a bracket format. There 16 entrants which means there are four rounds, and the first round starts with 8 entrant pairings.
Round 1: 8 pairs
Round 2: 4 pairs
Round 3: 2 pairs
Round 4: 1 pair
Each round has a start and end date.

In each round entrants are paired by the organizers using the following guidelines:
  1. Entrants in the pairing must have at least one game in common. If in the unlikely event that a pairing can not be made because there is no game in common between the entrants, and there is no possible entrant pairing to resolve the issue, we will find a resolution. This will be either a consensus decision between the entrants on the winner, or one buys a game to make the pairing possible, or a winner of pairing will be randomly picked, or? This is the reason why entrants in this tournament should own several titles in the PzC series to make matching possible.
  2. Entrants with matching series preferences.
  3. When the preference match can not be made, PzC is the default series to determine the pairing.
For example, this format allows FWWC enthusiasts to have a good chance to play at least one scenario in this tournament.

Each pair of entrants must select a scenario published in a Tillers Operational Campaign series title, and it must be present in the TheBlitz.club database. Obviously, the selected scenario has to be a title common to the pairing. Any published title not in the database should be reported to the Tiller Operational Campaign forum administrators. The selected game must be small, SM1 or 2, and an absolute maximum of 20 turns. 15 turns is the recommended maximum length given the round duration, see below. The pairings must select and notify the organizers on this thread of the selected scenario in 3 days of the start date of the round. The organizers have the final say if a scenario is eligible, but we really do want entrant pairings to pick a scenario they like, so there is a bit of flexibility on length.

Each entrant in the pairing plays both sides of the selected scenario, i.e., a mirrored game. The winner of the pairing is determined by the following.
  1. If one entrant wins both games, or wins and draws, they are the winner.
  2. If both entrants win 1 game each or draw 1 game each, the entrant with the highest score of both games wins. In the unlikely scenario that both players achieve the same score, the winner will be selected randomly, the randomness audited by a 3rd party (Mr. Grumpy).
The results of the game must be reported to the organizers on this thread no later than the end date.

Each round is 50 days long with a published start and end date. If all games are finished and reported before the end date the round will be ended. The pairings must select and notify the organizers on this thread of the selected scenario in 3 days of the start date of the round. All games must be completed, and the winner reported, by the end date.  If a game is not completed by the end date the organizers will adjudicate the winner.

Entrants that drop out of the tournament will not be eligible for the free game draw (see below), and will be sent on a mine clearing detail with a flame thrower next watch. If the entrant drops out mid-game their opponent automatically wins. The open space in the next pairing will be offered to randomly selected entrants who have been previously defeated until one accepts the open space. 

Reporting Game Results

This is the official tread for this tournament. All news, updates, etc. are found in this thread. Scenario selection and pairing winners must be reported by someone in the pairing, here on this thread, in the time constraints described above.

Accompanying this thread are emails for each round containing the pairings and a game selector chart. A new Email will be sent for every round, i.e., it’s easier to sent the pairings by email. Note emails are ok for communication that you do not want to make public.

All battles can be reported on the Ladder for Points per normal play. Game reports should be submitted using the unmodified victory levels so as to not skew the data in the Scenario Listings.

Prizes and Rewards

The winner of the tournament receives a free game courtesy of the Wargame Design Studio. All entrants that do not drop out of the tournament are entered in a draw for a free game at the end of the tournament from the Tiller Operational Campaigns forum administrators.  Mr. Grumpy will make the draw.

Round 1 Pairings

Start Date: May 26, 2024
End Date: July 15, 2024

Note I am giving a few extra days to start this round. Please report any issues with the above tournament rules.

Handle               Round 1 Pairings
akilpio                    2
Ashcloud                3
Belisarius               6
ComradeP              2
Fhil                        8
General Mod           1
Landser34              5
LEGXXIIPRPF          4
lethal                     6
lorddeadwood         7
Nick.Rusch             4
Partizanka              3
ShipweckedFool      8
Smedley                5
Steele God             1
The_General          7

Good luck, and to quote Guderian, "Boot 'em don't splat 'em!".

Lethal and I have started #440129_01a_Campoleone Station (HTH)- (10 Turns) from Salerno '43
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RE: Tiller Operational Campaigns Tournament No. 01 - by Belisarius - 05-25-2024, 10:38 PM

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