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Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93)
07-22-2024, 05:25 PM,
RE: Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93)
Turn 20, 04:00 March 8th 1945, Mud conditions.

[Image: cbrKCg2.jpg]

"LSSAH" and the 44. Reichsgrenadier Division "H.u.D." pushed the Soviets away from the fortified farm in a brutal slugging match. Some battalions have already lost half their strength after about a day at the frontline.

The fortified farm itself is still held by the Soviets. There's just an AT gun and stationary flamethrower unit there, in a bunker. The hex has a supply source, so the units are not isolated. There's a river on the hexsides to the north-west, north and north-east of the fortified farm, so that's why a direct assault wasn't possible.

I. Kavalleriekorps is slowly wearing down Soviet forces in its sector. The two Rifle Divisions there have already taken some significant losses, with a number of battalions below 100 Men. My own losses are sustainable for the moment, though I did need to give some 4. Kavallerie Division units time to rest as that division did most of the fighting thus far.

[Image: LGM9Tf1.jpg]

2. Panzerarmee made limited progress, which is fine. The 1. Volks Gebirgs Division is slowly moving towards Vracsik. I'll ignore Nagybajom for the moment, until it can be attacked in a favourable manner. The canals and marshes in the area make a frontal assault difficult.

[Image: 040rWjO.jpg]

"Waldteufel" made limited progress, as expected. The first Yugoslavian units appeared at the frontline. I suspect they were moved there by rail, as they couldn't have reached their current hexes when they did otherwise.

The Soviets have a pretty significant rail capacity of 13, which makes it easy for them to respond to threats.

My gun losses increased from all the Soviet counter-battery fire, but it's mostly a handful of units that took big hits. Soviet gun losses continue to increase as well. If you compare the losses overview to the strength overview I posted earlier, it should be clear why operating in front of the bulk of the Soviet artillery for the entire scenario is impossible. Heeresgruppe Süd has lost about 10% of its initial strength in men in the opening 20 turns.
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RE: Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93) - by ComradeP - 07-22-2024, 05:25 PM

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