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Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93)
07-22-2024, 05:30 PM,
RE: Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93)
Turn 70, 04:00 March 13th 1945, Soft conditions.

Now that the weather has improved, mobile offensive operations will resume.

[Image: anwTQna.jpg]

Various Pioniere units are clearing mines. LSSAH, 1st Panzer Division and 356. ID together with most Heer Panzer regiments will attempt to reach Aba before before the limited objective is removed on turn 90. After that, I'll attempt to capture Sárkeresztur. Volks Werfer Brigade 17 was moved back north to support the push.

Though I think reaching the objectives is possible, I'm sceptical whether I can hold them.

As in nearly all sectors, the excellent Hungarian railroad network will make it easy for the Soviets to move reinforcements into the area.

At worst, this will require the Soviets to move some units towards this sector, which should make things easier for I. Kavalleriekorps.

[Image: ZXS0ABV.jpg]

44. ID "HuD" will attempt to capture Enying before turn 80, when the limited objective disappears. Panzer Regiment 201 and two PzG battalions from 6. Panzer Division will support the push.

The formations south of the Sio and its canals will continue their push towards Nagyberény and Szabadhidbeg. Soviet defences in the area are likely quite strong, but I have 28 turns to capture those objectives.

[Image: nAxKu1x.jpg]

"Hohenstaufen" will move east of the canal, but not where the Panzers are in the screenshot. They'll use an engineer bridge a bit to the south.

There's at least one SU-100 brigade in the area, which knocked out a few vehicles from a mixed Jagdpanther/Jagdpanzer IV unit. As the area has limited strategic significance, I'm happy with keeping the SU's around even if it means losing more vehicles. It might've been the same SU-100 brigade that knocked out a few Panthers along the banks of Lake Balaton earlier.

The other units in the area are still mopping up the remaining Guards. As they're entrenched in difficult terrain, disrupting them is difficult. Still, I have plenty of time left.

[Image: n20yI53.jpg]

Bulgarian and Soviet forces between "Hitlerjugend" and Nagykorpád were Isolated at the end of the previous day. Most of the mopping up will be done by 71. ID and KG Böttcher, assisted by some StuG and Jagdpanzer 38(t) units that can move and assault. As the infantry units in the area are C quality, they can't move and assault with Soft conditions.

"Reichsführer SS" and KG Von Rudno will attack Kaposvár from the south-west.

"Das Reich" will move towards the sector currently held by "Hitlerjugend" in an attempt to pocked more Bulgarian and Yugoslav forces and perhaps reach Pécs, though that is unlikely.

The Gebirgsjaeger will move east from Kadarkut, with the aim of cutting north/south raillines and lengthening the Soviet frontline.

[Image: mG1dvTq.jpg]

"Hitlerjugend" secured a heavy bridge at the end of March 12th. Part of the division will move across it, other units will threaten the rear of Bulgarian units currently facing LXXXXI Korps Z.b.V.

I haven't decided where the cossacks will go yet. They'll initially move towards the LXXXXI Korps z.b.V. bridgehead, but could end up moving north or east at that point.

One problem in this sector is the presence of Yugoslav partisan units which can cause units in T-mode to become Disrupted when within 3 hexes of the partisan unit. A powerful tool.

[Image: 1oZI6mc.jpg]

The units from LXXXXI Korps z.b.V. made limited progress, which is fine. They've already knocked out two Bulgarian battalions.

The 11. Luftwaffen Feld Division and KG Fischer will be ferried across the Drava near Donji Miholjac. Hopefully, some additional Bulgarian units can be pocketed that way.

The victory level improved purely from losses, a good sign. A draw might be possible, but a minor victory is still highly unlikely.
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RE: Spring Awakening Axis AAR - historical campaign (settled for a Draw turn 93) - by ComradeP - 07-22-2024, 05:30 PM

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