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It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1
7 hours ago, (This post was last modified: 5 hours ago by HMCS Rosthern.)
RE: It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1
I have come up with another solution.

The scenario lists 5 objectives with a value of 100 points, for a total of 500 points. The scenario Victory Values are

Major Defeat-----1200
Minor Defeat-----1500
Minor Victory-----1800
Major Victory-----2000

Even if one were to take all 5 objectives it would still be a Major Defeat.

I propose that we raise the values for each objective:

14,15 300 (A)
24,23 300 (B)
27,9   700 ©
32,8   100 (D)
42,31 700 (E)

That means if the Allies take C D E they get a Minor Defeat/Draw. Taking one of A or B Allies get a minor victory. Taking both A and B gets the Allies a major victory.

If we adopt this house rule, it would require the pairings to also report which objectives they took so i could apply the points. 

Given your gaming experience for this scenario to date, do these seem like reasonable victory conditions? I am looking for feedback.
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RE: It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1 - by HMCS Rosthern - 7 hours ago

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