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It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1
Yesterday, 09:06 PM,
RE: It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1
Patric, I know I don't speak for everyone, but I have a gut feeling I certainly speak for most that have posted on this subject when I say: Don't Change Anything.

Looking back at the thread those of us who have posted on the imbalance of the scenario are making an observation, but I don't think anyone is honestly complaining about it.  As Josey points out, balance is an elusive (and for all practical purposes impossible) thing to achieve in a game that naturally starts with something other than a chess board.  Let it go.  Who knows, the Allied Team may end up with more scenarios titled in their favor by the end of the Tournament, there's no way to know.

Regarding the suggestions you made about addressing the issue, Josey's suggestion of a winner from each team probably is "fairest", but favors the skilled players above all.  The random draw for a game encourages lots of players who are new or maybe less experienced to try their luck and maybe earn a game, so personally I'd hate to see that removed from the Tourney set up.  Giving away 3 games for such a small group of players is probably not practical either.  Changing the values of VP objectives when all games have commenced and some finished is not viable for obvious reasons, and a re-start is probably pointless as there is no guarantee the next one won't be the same way.  

Leave it be and try not to take the observations as an indictment on your Tournament, I don't think that was anyone's intentions.  Besides, now the Allied Team has a built in excuse if we lose, and if we win, oh God they'll be no shutting us up on how we overcame insurmountable odds.

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RE: It's a Long Way to Tipperary Round 1 - by Steel God - Yesterday, 09:06 PM

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