(Yesterday, 09:06 PM)Steel God Wrote: Patric, I know I don't speak for everyone, but I have a gut feeling I certainly speak for most that have posted on this subject when I say: Don't Change Anything.
Yeah, I agree and personally support continuing with the tournament as it is without changing victory conditions, point calculations or prizes. There is already some necessary "unfairness" given that opponents are not seeded but drawn randomly, so one might face a set of more skilled opponents than another (which I think is perfectly fine).
If at the end of the tournament it seems that either side would have had a significant advantage, you can also announce side-specific winners (without any prize attached to it). Surely there is some pride in being the best of the "losing side"?
That being said, as a relative beginner to WDS games, I was never really entertaining the possibility of really challenging for the top spot. I'm here just for the fun. So I understand that more skilled players might have other views.