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The CM Miracle
09-26-2008, 03:19 PM,
RE: The CM Miracle
In 2002 I was just out of jail, homeless, girlfriendless, jobless, near- penniless and living rough in a tent in a wood but I was too busy laughing at my predicament the whole time to worry about it ("great" I thought, "i've ended up as Bigfoot the wild man of the woods")
That's the trick, not to take life seriously, always works for me..;)

"The true fool knows that the only insanity is to regard the world as rational" - Guide to Lear
"The great secret of the successful fool is that he's no fool at all" - Isaac Asimov
"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14)
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09-26-2008, 08:20 PM,
RE: The CM Miracle
Awesome posts here... eye-opening to see the human side of some of our fellow players on this electronic virtual community.
DK's post does put things into perspective... what life is really about, and not the petty sniping and squabbles that have been a common feature here in the recent past.
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09-26-2008, 11:42 PM,
RE: The CM Miracle
Mikey Wrote:Recently, while plugging away at some turns, plotting and re plotting some tedious movement orders, I asked myself, is this a good way to spend my life?

I have asked that myself before. I say it was good for me in that it kept me going until real life improved for me. And if you throw yourself into a struggle and you fight your best, win or lose - does it matter if that struggle took place on a real or a virtual battlefield? It is really the struggle itself that energizes us, not the venue in which it is fought, whether reality or cyberspace.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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09-27-2008, 03:08 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
All the above is very interesting to read... me... Im just a computer geek that is interested in pitting my wits against other geeks. :)

I dont have any letters after my name and not very tactically minded but its just good to know that us geeks come from all walks of life eh...?

One minute you could be playing a Sgt in the 'real' military... the next a guy that has just started studying 'origami' in Okinawa. Doesnt matter who you are or what you do.... here at the Blitz its a level playing field with everyone reduced to base level against one another. And that makes for great competition.
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09-27-2008, 03:55 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
WOW .. some powerfull thoughts going on here. I to have "studied" life in my own mind and what it all means. For me I have come to the conclusion that it's not worth studying at all or you will end up in that great pit of downward spining dispair, life is what each of make of it and it's all different for each and every one of us. I live by the motto "I work to live, I don't live to work". I enjoy my job as a teacher as I do feel I am making a real contribution to society, life and other people and that helps to get me up in the morning. Having friends and people around who really care for me and accpet me for the way I am not the way they think I should be. There is a lot more "to life" than just being a wage slave remeber "work to live don't live to work" and enjoy life and what it brings you, we all get only one shot at it.
I am proud to be British but I thank god that I am Welsh
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09-27-2008, 04:44 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
Quote:enjoy life and what it brings you, we all get only one shot at it.

I personally believe in reincarnation.... I wanna come back as Jessica Alba's sponge. :)
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09-27-2008, 05:42 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
I think that most everyone has a story to tell, and the fact that we all share in playing a silly little game, and light banter, makes parts of our lives just a tiny bit more pleasant then it would be if were still all strangers, and had nothing to do but dwell on the negatives that we are going through. Der K., I think that you and I cut our teeth on this game at the same time, I know we had several games against one another; playing CM keeps me thinking more clear then I normally would. For those that do not know, I am autistic and struggle daily with weird crap, both real and false, being a part of a community where this part of my life does not matter is very good for my well-being. Here and other sites like this is where we all get a chance to be equals, even if just for a couple hours in the evening. For this, I thank everyone. Thanks Der K. for your story.
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09-28-2008, 12:21 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
You think you all had it tough? these guys hadn't even heard of CM..

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.

Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!

Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.

Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.

And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.

Now THAT's real hardship :P and hopefully it makes a valuable point.
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09-28-2008, 01:05 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
All hail the great Monty Python for bring classic comedy into lives :)
I am proud to be British but I thank god that I am Welsh
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09-28-2008, 01:08 AM,
RE: The CM Miracle
Here here... LOL
[Image: monty-python.jpg]
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