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H2H Seems to be dead.
02-02-2008, 11:26 PM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
Foul. Wrote:Third point you were aware that you cannot have both, so why keep asking for it?

I wasn't asking. I was answering John's post.

Foul. Wrote:With 10 scenarios moving to the approved list in just one year, the wasteland over at PzC is going rather well IMO. :chin:

If you are happy with that great.


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02-03-2008, 12:00 AM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
glint Wrote:My comments were purely intended as discussion and from an uninformed member lol!
I admire the work people voluntarily put in on the Blitz and my comments were no reflection on the calibre of testers, just want to make that clear.
Peter, thats ok i undestood what you were getting at :)

glint Wrote:From the 'uninformed' angle, I seem to remember playing a game or two where the scenarios were uploaded to the site and scored without them being approved scenarios?
I maybe wrong, but don't think so.
This is basically what my previous comments were about. If the afore-mentioned is possible, it rather negates the need for scenarios to be approved other than for the benefit of those who wish only to play ' officially approved scenarios' ?
Maybe I'm missing something here?

Yes Peter i think you might not fully understand the system, if you test a scenario and the scores from those test don't reach the required level for a scenario to be moved to the approved list then it will stay on the test page until a time when it does a achieve the required score.

Also it is possible for a scenario to have the required score but the designer wants to do some more work on the scenario then again it will remain on the test page.

So it is possible that this is the situation the scenario you tested is in?
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02-03-2008, 12:51 AM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
With all due and sincere respect to the members who have put time in over the years on the H2H arena, the underlying problem is that an official Blitz endorsement matters little. I stopped putting scenarios through the gristmill of H2H years ago, not because of any perceived flaws with the evaluation methods (I personally don't have any problem with the methodology being used), but because at the end of the day, the only thing that a H2H/Blitz approval impacted was the length of time it took to get a scenario into some sort of circulation. It can be frustratingly slow. As a designer, time is important; I can put a scenario through its paces with a small stable of peers who I have confidence in (and who also happen to have very quick turnaround time on turns), and be able to move on relatively quickly to new projects. In my long ago exeriences with H2H, submit scenes would languish for MONTH, many of them unplayed. Thanks, but no thanks.

IMO, If the club leadership wanted to have the greatest impact possible on promoting scenario design, and to see new scenes subsequently played, then they should simply make a depot available for new scene files to downloaded. No testing or ratings, other than the ratings eventually provided by players when they normally report a game. Players may even be more prone to post comments about new scenes, if for no other reason than doing other members the favor of red flagging any real stinkers that are uploaded.

Don Fox
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02-03-2008, 01:23 AM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
Don Fox Wrote:With all due and sincere respect to the members who have put time in over the years on the H2H arena, the underlying problem is that an official Blitz endorsement matters little. I stopped putting scenarios through the gristmill of H2H years ago, not because of any perceived flaws with the evaluation methods (I personally don't have any problem with the methodology being used), but because at the end of the day, the only thing that a H2H/Blitz approval impacted was the length of time it took to get a scenario into some sort of circulation. It can be frustratingly slow. As a designer, time is important; I can put a scenario through its paces with a small stable of peers who I have confidence in (and who also happen to have very quick turnaround time on turns), and be able to move on relatively quickly to new projects. In my long ago exeriences with H2H, submit scenes would languish for MONTH, many of them unplayed. Thanks, but no thanks.

Thank you for your comments, i am happy that like Huib you found the H2H system to be workable, i understand your frustration when a scenario is not tested quickly, but the way you describe your testing regime now e.g. "a small stable of peers who I have confidence in (and who also happen to have very quick turnaround time on turns)," is exactly the way we have had success over at the PzC section using the H2H system, so why would that same regime not work within the CS H2H :conf: or are you saying that you could not find reliable Blitz testers??

As you discovered if you just upload the scenario and just trust to luck that good testers will come along is the whole problem that the H2H has, once you had found good reliable (and quick) testers you made some progress it is just a pity that you did this outside of the H2H. :(

Don Fox Wrote:IMO, If the club leadership wanted to have the greatest impact possible on promoting scenario design, and to see new scenes subsequently played, then they should simply make a depot available for new scene files to downloaded. No testing or ratings, other than the ratings eventually provided by players when they normally report a game. Players may even be more prone to post comments about new scenes, if for no other reason than doing other members the favor of red flagging any real stinkers that are uploaded.

Don Fox

That is outside my area of responsibility, why don't you approach Red Devil about that, there is also a "suggestion box" forum here as well.
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02-03-2008, 02:06 AM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
'I can put a scenario through its paces with a small stable of peers who I have confidence in (and who also happen to have very quick turnaround time on turns), '

My point exactly, in a nutshell, Don.

Thanks for the explanation, Darran, as you see, I don't fully understand all, ain't worked out how to get these white panels in place yet, lol!
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02-03-2008, 03:33 AM,
RE: H2H Seems to be dead.
glint Wrote:DON FOX WROTE:
'I can put a scenario through its paces with a small stable of peers who I have confidence in (and who also happen to have very quick turnaround time on turns), '

My point exactly, in a nutshell, Don.

Thanks for the explanation, Darran, as you see, I don't fully understand all, ain't worked out how to get these white panels in place yet, lol!

And you can do that within the H2H system, exactly my point! :)

Peter click "quote" at the bottom of a post and it will open a reply box with the text you are replying to! :)
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