Looks fine, great job Pako. Talking about the mod... i am curious, in what stage is it??? i dont know exactly how are you working, if you first do the OOB and PDT and them move it to the scen or you do it at the same time adapting OOB and PDT step by step, another question is when start the game (i think that the first day 25 June 1950) until... ummm september??? this cover the norht Korea attack, counterattack and Chinese intervention are in other scens??? or you start the game in Chinese intervention in october???
PD: i think that you first end with units art and when is over you start with OOB.
EDTI: so sorry, mi error, i read the first post, you are working in the race to Pusan.
I'm pretty much helping out with the oob's, since I had done the Campaign Series KW Mod, spending 3 years on it, I have alot of info on it. Pako has been hitting the graphics hard!! Lots to do!!