04-03-2022, 11:09 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Saturday live play session where I start off one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. An introduction to this style of scenario/campaign and the first 8 turns of the scenario. For the type of scenario it is, it isn't all that large, about the same amount of units as the Battle of Dak To, just a significantly larger map and far more turns. I would highly recommend playing this before attempting the A Week in Binh Long scenario though! Exciting times to be had!
04-08-2022, 12:31 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Wednesday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. Polished off a good twenty turns of Day 1 this session. The key areas have been secured, so I am spending the rest of the day organizing and building defences. The point of Day 1 is to allow you to get used to your units and the organizations, as well as seeing the limitations of your units during missions. Exciting times to be had!
04-10-2022, 09:39 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Saturday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. Finished off Day 1 pretty quickly and then about half way through the session, Day 2 starts, slowing the turns down significantly. Day 2 has my battalions heading south across the river to secure some areas, while the 3d/60th is stuck in an ambush!
04-14-2022, 03:59 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Wednesday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. Working through the first half of the second day, we've stumbled into a plethora of booby traps, causing casualties and two ambushes. We're planning for the future days in our moves and so far things are coming together well, albeit I am taking too many losses.
04-18-2022, 04:45 AM,
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2022, 04:45 AM by Jason Petho.)
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Saturday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. Working through the second half of the second day, where we've stumbled into additional ambushes, dealing with them piecemeal. As well as an unexpected attack by the Viet Cong in two locations! Unfortunately, my losses are increasing where some of my platoons are operating at half strength.
04-22-2022, 12:42 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Wednesday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. We finished the day turns of Day 2 and night turns of Day 2. A Viet Cong attack during the night has turned everything upside down, meaning that Day 3 will be filled with action. Also, some great conversation near the end of the video! Check it out!
04-24-2022, 12:34 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Saturday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. We managed to get through 8 turns of Day 3. The Viet Cong appear to have a good hold on Ben Tre at the moment, as well as the Truc Giang airfield. I have elements of the 3d & 4th/47th Infantry on the way and have formulated a plan to counter attack. Such a fun day so far! Oh! And showing off some new goodies with the 1.20 UPDATE!
04-29-2022, 12:29 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
This is the Wednesday live play session where I continue on with one of the larger campaigns, A Week in the Mekong, thanks to a Patreon request. We managed to get through to nearly halfway of Day 3. The Viet Cong appear to have a good hold on Ben Tre at the moment, as well as the Truc Giang airfield. I am showing some new goodies for the 1.20 UPDATE while I am starting to take back Truc Giang. My A Troop from 3d/5th Cavalry has finally arrived to help with the Area MIKE clearing. Losses are mounting though.
04-29-2022, 04:42 AM,
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2022, 04:42 AM by Compass Rose.)
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
 Great Stuff Jason!
04-29-2022, 02:18 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Vietnam - YouTube
Thank you so much!
I really appreciate you popping in for encouragement and to ask questions! Make the stream much more fun!