09-15-2024, 11:04 PM,
RE: Tournament
One idea is, 1 for Major loss, 2 for Minor loss, 3 for Draw, 4 for Minor victory, 5 for Major victory or 1,3,5,7,9 something like that. Everybody scores something positive just for playing. Easiest math. Or, if one player scores 5 points, other player scores -5. Rotate pairings for next match playing everybody or highest vs highest or highest vs lowest, second highest vs second lowest etc.
09-17-2024, 02:12 PM,
RE: Tournament
Hi Friends, I will play in the tournament.
09-18-2024, 01:20 AM,
RE: Tournament
(09-15-2024, 03:03 AM)Big Ivan Wrote: Dave and I are looking for ideas.
There are two possible vehicles for controlling this tournament as he and I discussed.
1. The double blind elimination which was standard with the Boisforas tourney in 2020.
2. We are interested in the idea presented about an Axis and Allied option with two camps Axis and Allied kind of similar to the World in Flames tourney of 14 years ago. Dave and I both played in that World in Flames tourney long ago but we have no idea on how to score it. BTW that tournament was a blast as I remember it. (I got the chance to play the Chinese twice...WooHoo!)
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, feel free.
I find the 2nd variant more interesting
09-20-2024, 02:11 AM,
Mister Moderator
Posts: 4,165
Joined: Feb 2008
RE: Tournament
I found Crossroads original Forum thread for the World in Flames tournament. I'm thinking we use it as our guide. The scoring looks easy enough:
- An overall score is kept for the the whole of war
- Additionally, a score is kept for all theaters of war for each Phase
- These are added up after each Round of each Phase is being played.
Scoring: Major Win 3 points, Minor Win 1 point, Draw 0 points x SM of the given scenario
I'm thinking of bagging #2. Sounds unnecessary and too much to keep track of, but open to suggestions.
In the second post there are the opening scenarios Petri used. There was even a team game if we'd want to do that. Looks like he had different scenarios for different players. I think it might be better for everyone to be playing the same scenario at the same time, but what does everyone think?
Potential name for the tournament: World in Flames Redux
Time to choose your sides. I don't care, so I'll join whatever team needs some fodder. :)
Signups so far (speak up if you're not on the list!):
Kernel t
Outlaw Josey Wales
Herr Straße Laufer
Von Luck
Dan Caviness
Hawk Kriegsman
The Hemp
Sir Killalot
Big Ivan
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
09-20-2024, 11:03 AM,
Big Ivan
Super Moderator
Posts: 1,484
Joined: Sep 2003
RE: Tournament
Hey Dave,
1.) Points look good but perhaps consider a top Allied and Axis winner, also plus an overall winner (or most games played)? Three metals I guess.
2.) Bag it.
3.) Sounds good!
4.) Same scenario for everyone doesn't sound bad. But the big key is picking relatively balanced scenarios that are not monsters and move along quick and freely. Time limits need to be set for sure! Is it possible to do a myriad of different scenarios that are balance but not everybody in the field plays the same scenario. Also do we follow the timeline of the war or mix it up?
5.)Also when this tournament gets going it's closed to new active players but keep a list of any players that want to join after that as tourney alternates! Let's face it, real life can bite us all in the ass and some may have to drop out but we want a field of backups if we need it. We all understand about real life!
6.) World in Flames Redux is not bad. But consider Freeing a World Gone Mad or World War-Us and Them (I do love Pink Floyd music)!
7.) Not sure how to handle individual scenario matchups!? Random pick maybe? But a thought: until a player plays everyone in the field at least once he cannot repeat against the same player! Might be tough to keep track of though!?
8.) I'm probably fodder too so don't feel bad Dave, but the last time in the World in Flames tourney I was on the Allies side. This time I'll go with the Axis!!
Big Ivan
09-20-2024, 10:34 PM,
RE: Tournament
09-20-2024, 11:21 PM,
RE: Tournament
Scoring - 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,3,5,7,9 Addition only, easiest math.
Same scenario each round. Balance doesn't matter. Allied player points are compared to Allied players only. Axis compared to Axis only. Two winners.
Say, I play Big Ivan first, second round keep Allied players in place and rotate Axis players one place up or down. Next round, do it again same direction. Eventually, I rotate back around to Big Ivan. End of Tournament.
Name - Axis vs Allies or all scenarios for a Campaign like France or EF 1941, 42, 43 etc Something like that.
09-21-2024, 12:19 AM,
RE: Tournament
I agree with outlaw on the point scoring.
You should get a point at least for playing, win lose or draw.
Quote:Scoring - 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,3,5,7,9 Addition only, easiest math.
09-21-2024, 07:29 AM,
The Hemp

Posts: 16
Joined: Jan 2021
RE: Tournament
I like playing the Axis. My usual pick in games.
Whatever the rules, I'm in.
09-21-2024, 12:38 PM,
RE: Tournament
I'd like to join the tournament as well.
I haven't played in a few years so if that is a problem understood.