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05-23-2007, 11:10 PM,
RE: Domination!
Quote:I for one would rather praise someone who works hard for the community to enhance our CM experience and accept his ideas on an as is basis... then to start saying - you should do this or that...

OMG I am going to go insane. Where have I said he should do anything. I am just trying to have a conversation. That is hard because so far this is the process of that conversation.

Rico: There is no time
Me: Why.
Rico: It is to complicated.
Me: Not if done like this.

For the record the fact that Rico has put together something like Eurodom is of course excellent. I just ask one question about it and would like something approaching a relevant response.
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05-23-2007, 11:48 PM,
RE: Domination!
Fullhouse Wrote:Whats essential to my sanity are replies that in some way relate to my question unlike the above. How many times do I have to spell it out. I will list the points so to avoid anymore confusion.

1: The whole point of the map IS TO REMOVE CHOICE. If you want total freedom of choice just play a regular QB.

the whole point of the map I thought was to show us progress of our games in relation to the other side's progress. The terrain limitations were implemented to prevent the battles from all being MEs which was a complaint of the previous domination series. If you want freedom of choice , you play outside of Domination, just like any other challenge here.

2:Given the above and seeing the map dictates terrain, QB type etc, why not take that process to its logical fulfillment and have the game system dictate time as well. Look at Eurodom, its whole evolution from normal DOM is an increase in the amount of parameters that are DICTATED, e.g. it decreases the choice of the challenger etc.

But the whole deal with choices is only to prevent all the Battles from being MEs, the time dictation is actually up to the challenger to set with his challenge post. It seems you want ALL of us to follow the same time factor and that's where time would become a preset setting instead of a choice, which we're running out of with the limits of the map settings. By leaving the time of the battles open to the challenger, that's one of his choices left to dictate.

3: The only clear valid reason for no DICTATED time context is that of complexity. My whole point is that time isnt complex.
No, it isn't complex, but it is more than the designer wanted to impose upon the players at this time. We have enough restrictions with the terrain limits, why make the Domination fights completely limited?
I'm sure he's considering it in his next series tho, to add a little more restriction to the battles. Right now there is no time constraints other than what the challenger makes them to be. I assume leaving us with the choice to pick our own time frame to fight in, is a blessing rather than being limited by yet another restriction that might put people off from playing.

It may appear that I am taking this way to seriously but this one of my pet hates. It has nothing to do with EuroDom itself, I just hate it when you make a seemingly valid observation and all you get in response are a bunch of repeated waffley replies that dont actualy relate to the observation you have made.
I'm trying mate, I'm trying :)

I am just trying to have a discussion about whether a dictated time context (NOT TIMELINE) would be complicated or not. So far apart from MCivan no one has actually made a post in reply to me that actually relates to that discussion. That is what is sending me mad.

You went mad way before this when you were trying to kill off a few tribes in TW LOL good plan, just hard to put into action when you had pigeons for staff :)

I don't think it would be hard to put into action for something like this if we start in September, so maybe that's where the angle should be shot from? I guess you're saying establish June as September 39 (or the earliest date possible for CM) and work forward from there?
Example: Each month here gains another month of same year and so forth, so people taking 2 months to fight their battle would simply skip the missing one and proceed on with November 39 as their next setting?

Now if we did this wouldn't we be limited to Crete/Africa fights for the better part of time until the German invasion of Russia in June 41, then limited there until feb 43 to get back into Africa with some American forces then Italy, then June 44 when the allies land to get some WF action?

Not much fun for me to be playing in Africa for 2 years waiting on der Fuhrer to order me east to kick in the door and so forth.

well that's my outlook on it :)

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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05-23-2007, 11:55 PM,
Fullhouse Wrote:Rico: There is no time
Me: Why.
Rico: It is to complicated.
Me: Not if done like this.

Sheesh -- been a little too busy here at work to keep an eye on this...LOL.

Fullhouse -- I understand what you're getting at -- valid points.
I did consider something similar to what you are talking about -- decided against for a few reasons.

1. Decided to retain the flexibility of playing any time period you felt like the original Dom allowed and worked well for players.

2. Also, because of the overlapping of Challenges, battles of vastly different lenghts and playing speeds I couldn't really work out a satisfactory way of how to advance time that would somehow reflect time passing on the battlefield -- what arbitrary measure represents a month passing on the battlefield?
An example -- it's about 10 hexes to the gates of Moscow from the Polish frontier... so it'll take approx 10 QB's to get there.... count about a generous average of 6 weeks per small QB and we're over a year of playing games in real time and using Operation Barbarossa as a benchmark, we haven't left 1941 yet...

3. I could of course add in a completely arbitrary calendar -- advancing it a month after say, every 20 challenges... but then most players won't want to wait a year in real time before they're allowed to play 1944 battles in Domination ...LOL
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05-24-2007, 12:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-24-2007, 12:10 AM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Domination!
Ahhh thats better.

It seems that the map does more than just remove a preponderance for MEs,. Infact it seems to be the game system mostly that removes that, not the map. The map itself mostly dictates terrain. So you have a system that imposes battle type and a map that dictates terrain but the time is left to player choice. DAMMIT I DONT WANT PLAYER CHOICE I WANT THEM TO OBEY OBEY OBEY.:soap::soap::soap:

Seriously though the time wouldnt have to follow any WW2 timeline. It is May now so you could start may 41 possibly. Or add a month and make it June now for OP BB.

What I think would be really fun though would require a bit of admin, but not to much given the power of the interweb is to have battles mirror the actual weather in real time. So if you declare a game you check against the weather were youre battle is on the map and then have the same settings. Probably wouldnt work but if a way could be found might add a bit of spice to proceedings.

As for me going mad, yes I did go mad before, tribetotalcrak did do that to me. I think I may be a bit sensitive presently as I have just found out that Clan Fullhouse is to be receiving reinforcements in about 8 months.
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05-24-2007, 12:16 AM,
RE: Domination!
Fullhouse Wrote:I think I may be a bit sensitive presently as I have just found out that Clan Fullhouse is to be receiving reinforcements in about 8 months.

Congrats mate!!
at least you didn't forget how to do EVERYTHING after tribe crack rehab :)
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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05-24-2007, 12:59 AM,
Fullhouse Wrote:OMG I am going to go insane. Where have I said he should do anything. I am just trying to have a conversation. That is hard because so far this is the process of that conversation.
Hey Fullhouse ,

If you think that was addressed at you It Wasn't but if thats what you think - I know a good shrink who works well with insanity...;)

That is all...
***** Fredrocker's Combat Mission Site *****"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care." - Theodore Roosevelt
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05-24-2007, 01:45 AM,
RE: Domination!
LOL... thanks for the input FullHouse and despite thinking youve been banging your head we have listened to your suggestions.

Congrats on the news regarding the FullHouse Front... !!

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05-24-2007, 06:58 AM,
RE:�� Domination!
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05-24-2007, 06:59 AM,
RE: Domination!
BTW congrats to your wife on the addition :)
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